Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Goode, The Bad and The Bigoted

As an American elected representative, Virgil Goode is an oscenity. For someone to be part of the American democratic process, who has sworn an oath to the Constitution, who is the current end of a legacy of liberty and inclusiveness to be so utterly unaware of true American values is beyond sick. Its as if he doesn't know that America was formed, in part, by Europeans fleeing religious persecution.

Now mind you, intolerance and racial hatred have a long, storied history in America. In this realm, Goode is just another garden variety racist, just another Klansman with a gross misunderstanding of what his nation stands for. Indeed, some level of bigotry and jingoism seems a necessary part of a significant portion of the American population. This portion, by the way, is VERY strongly represented in the remaining 30% of the population that continues to support this administration no matter how egregiously criminal their acts may be. Why? Because, as long as they are actively working to eradicate "people who are not like us", such as Muslims, all else will be immediately forgiven.

No, we confront the individual American's tendency towards exclusivity, intolerance and hatred with yet another weary sigh. The obscenity represented by Virgil Goode is his office, and the constituency that elected him. It's the so-called Americans who agree with him, who want a minority they can pound on without incuring a backlash that sicken me. MUSLIMS!! The new demonized minority. The theory goes something like this: The people, mostly Saudis, who attacked us in September 2001 were indeed Muslims. Therefore, all muslims are our most evil enemies and anything you suggest, from segregation to camps to genocide, is perfectly ok.

Here's the call to action. Virgil Goode has staked out a position. He's essentially betting his career that America will become more intolerant, more racist and Muslims will continue to be demonized by cowardly Americans who cannot feel strong in equality, only in imbalance and inequality. What are we, real Americans who understand our history and values, going to do about it? I'm going to stand up and say we might just be better off with more muslim legislators, more gay legislators, more women, more african americans, more diversity, more tolerance. We need to tell Mr. Goode and the thugs that enable him that his act doesn't play in our nation. He can take it on the road, or he can find a way to get with the program. It's a new century, and I submit his time has passed...


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